La Grange Public Library 10 W Cossitt Ave La Grange, IL 60525 United States
We'd like to help you with your technology questions. Sign up for help on topics such as using your email, searching the internet, using your phone, or accessing our digital library (eBooks or audiobooks).
Join us for a monthly culinary event. Each month we"ll make a dish while also learning how the recipe and their ingredients are an important part of our culture. Registration is for all three programs in this cooking series.
Calling all future community leaders in grades 7-12! Build life skills, boost wellness and make a difference through service learning, workshops and fun events.
This month's book is The whole30 : the 30-day guide to total health and food freedom.
Welcome all teens and tweens! After school on Wednesdays, drop by the Dierkes meeting room on the lower level to hang out with friends, play games, and more!
Everyone is invited to enjoy the interactive stories, movement, and sensory play that make this storytime a great activity for neurodivergent children and their families. Space is limited to 20 children and their caregivers.
Whether novice or expert, you’re invited to join us for an afternoon of chess. We will be on hand to teach you the game or offer strategies to boost your skills. Time will be available for instruction and for match play.