La Grange Public Library 10 W Cossitt Ave La Grange, IL 60525 United States
We'd like to help you with your technology questions. Sign up for help on topics such as using your email, searching the internet, using your phone, or accessing our digital library (eBooks or audiobooks).
One-hour of reflection, light stretching, and sound from crystal bowls, chimes, hand-held gongs, Tibetan and Himalayan bowls and healing instruments. These beautiful sounds will leave you feeling relaxed and refreshed.
Welcome all teens and tweens! After school on Wednesdays and Fridays, drop by the Dierkes meeting room on the lower level to hang out with friends, play games, and more!
Grades 5-12
LEGO enthusiasts are invited to meet and work individually or as a group. All supplies will be provided, and your project will be on display until the next LEGO Club. Bring your imagination and creativity!
K-grade 6
Do you want to build a snowman? We'll be making one tonight! They will be about 12" tall so they are a substantial decoration.
The entire family is invited to join us for stories, songs and a fun craft.
For ages birth 5. Siblings are welcomed.
Join us the evening of La Grange's Holiday Walk and experience a festive magic show presented by Pocket Circus! "Red and Green" promises a hilarious mix of surprises, laughter, and unforgettable moments—perfect for the whole family.
Aging is a journey inevitable for everyone, and how we choose to live today impacts how we live tomorrow.
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