La Grange Public Library 10 W Cossitt Ave La Grange, IL 60525 United States
Calling all artists! Stop by the Library and create an original piece of art using a variety of materials available for self-directed creativity. Finish your project by the end of the hour or bring it next month for completion.
Get creative and enjoy soothing wisdom as we paint along with an episode of The Joy of Painting. Materials will be provided. Bring an apron or wear clothes you won’t mind getting paint on.
Looking for the perfect preschool for your little learner?
This month's film is September 5: During the 1972 Munich Olympics, an American sports broadcasting crew finds itself thrust into covering the hostage crisis involving Israeli athletes.
Do you want to make the world a better place? We’ll read a book about someone who made a positive impact on their community, then explore the topic through discussion, and a game or a craft.
Grades 3-6
Stop by the Library to read to a specially trained dog for 15 minutes. Reading time is a one-on-one experience as it provides an opportunity for each child to read aloud without being critiqued.
Meet award-winning novelist, Mindy McGinnis, in-person at the La Grange Public Library!
We'd like to help you with your technology questions. Sign up for help on topics such as using your email, searching the internet, using your phone, or accessing our digital library (eBooks or audiobooks).
Toggle the date picker: Sep 2024 September 2024